4D Chart v13

CT Error


4D Chart v13
CT Error

CT Error 


CT Error ( message ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
message  String in Receives error message
Function result  Integer in Status of the last operation performed by 4D Chart 0 = the last operation did not cause an error >0 = an error occurred during the last operation

CT Error returns a number that represents the status of the last operation performed by 4D Chart.

If CT Error returns 0, the last operation did not cause an error. If CT Error returns a number other than 0, an error occurred during the last operation.

If several areas are active on the same form, CT Error returns the last error, without discriminating between areas.

See the section Error Codes for a complete list of error codes.

If the optional message parameter is passed to CT Error, it must be a text variable that will contain the text of the error after the call.


This example checks to see if an error occurred in the previous command.

 If(CT Error#0)
  `The last operation caused an error
 End if


Product: 4D Chart
Theme: CT Area Control
Number: 14512


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Chart 1


4D Chart Error Codes